Who is this Anita Gates you speak of?

A.G.’s journalistic triumphs over 25 years at The New York Times include drinking with Bea Arthur (at a Trump hotel), Wendy Wasserstein (at an Italian restaurant) and Peter O’Toole (in his trailer on a mini-series set near Dublin). It is sheer coincidence that these people are now dead.

At The New York Times, she has been Arts & Leisure television editor and co-film editor, a theater reviewer on WQXR Radio, a film columnist for the Times TV Book and an editor in the Culture, Book Review, Travel, National, Foreign and Metro sections. Her first theater review for The Times appeared in 1997, assessing “Mrs. Cage,” a one-act about a housewife suspected of shooting her favorite supermarket box boy. The review was mixed.

Outside The Times, A.G. has been the author of four nonfiction books; a longtime writer for travel magazines, women's magazines and travel guidebooks; a lecturer at universities and for women’s groups; and a moderator for theater, book, film and television panels at the 92nd Street Y and the Paley Center for Media.

If she were a character on “Mad Men,” she’d be Peggy.

Lupone Strikes Again. Thank God She Did.

Don’t mess with Patti Lupone. She was sitting on the stage of the Booth Theater minding her own business —- well, actually, doing a cast talkback after “Company” —when she noticed a woman in the audience who didn’t have her mask on. Or didn’t have the mask over her nose. Which kind of defeats the purpose.


The outspoken Ms. Lupone, who is the group’s biggest star, by far, said, “Put your mask over your nose.” Who, Ms. Lupone asked, do you think you are? The woman in the audience, who obviously has some entitlement issues, actually said, “I pay your salary.” She shouldn’t have.

Ms. Lupone’s reply — “Bullshit! Chris Harper pays my salary” — is now available on T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies, wherever better men’s and women’s wear are sold online. Actually the garments don’t include the first word (the eight-letter one).

Mr. Harper is a lead producer of “Company,” who accepted a Drama League Award for the show soon afterward. On that occasion, he stated publicly that it was an honor to do so. At the Tony Awards ceremony, several other people acknowledged that Chris Harper paid their salary too.

How I Learned to Drive at ‘How I Learned to Drive’

'Company,' With Neon, Updates and Patti Lupone